** Dr.Logic [Sweat Box & Soap] WP 2000 3.1 **
With that sort of cash to throw around, they could have hired Steven Spielberg. But in true YouTube style, it was a slapdash affair; Chad and Steve goofing around in front of a handheld camera, their thanks to "everyone of you guys who've been contributing to YouToob" almost drowned out by the rumble of passing traffic. What's on the tube After a few more reassuring remarks on continuing to stay committed to users they broke into a fit of giggles. It's the uncontrollable laughter of knowing you'll never have to worry about your mortgage again. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen in their own YouTube video If you believe the forecasts, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen are the future of broadcasting; all the more now they've got Larry and Sergey (that's Page and Brin, co-founders of Google) bankrolling their phenomenally successful site - where more than 100 million videos are said to be viewed each day...
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