Comments on Black and White Printing/ Developing …
You take a studied negative exposed and viewed by transmitted light that will always reveal more detail than a print viewed by reflected light and you are looking for creative expression low densities midtones and finally highlights of the image…
۞Making an enlargement…
Determine exposure: Decide on the size of the print you want to make and raise the enlarger to the necessary height and place the negative in the negative carrier after dusting the negative and the lens making sure it is clean. Papers come in a variety of colours from a pale cream to cold tones. Place your paper in this case, fibre based paper or any fine grade printing paper shiny side up in the easel to focus on, ensuring that the plane of focus is exactly where you are going to print. Using a grain magnifier to critically focus on the grain negative and make test strips to determine the optimum expose time eg 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, etc…
۞Developing the print…
Place the paper in the Developer solution, soake and agitate the Chemical. Generally it needs 1 to 2 minutes depending on your creativity and once the time is over, use the bamboo tongs to lift the paper out and drop into the Stop Bath, do not let the tongs touch the stop chemicals or it will contaminate the developer when you put it back there. Let the print sit in the Stop Bath for about 15 to 30 seconds depending on the paper, fibre based papers need longer and then transfer with a separate pair of tongs to the Fixer. Time depends in the Fixer, about 5 minutes. Once the print is fixed, it needs to be Washed in cold running water. Print washing of fibre based paper can take a long time 15 to 30 minutes as can a washing aids…
۞Rendering the process…
The Printing proceeds in exactly the same fashion as film, except that since paper is orthochromatic you can work under the dark room safe lights and watch the image come up in the developing solution and this part is truly mythical and your never lose the fascination for watching the chemicals render and reveal the picture processing right before your eyes…Hang-out to dry …
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