** Dr.Logic [Sweat Box & Soap] WP 2000 3.1 **
** Dr.Logic [Sweat Box & Soap] WP 2000 3.1 ** Hello! Its me again... im not just a pride face and I have also got something to say on my bogger... Does anyone read this shit! Well come on, let me know and I will continue writing here... Its getting cold in Brighton and the temperature has dropped now winter is closing in... Only 9 weeks till Christmas ha! ha!... What will I get from Santa? A sexy lady I hope ha! ha!... Here comes the weekend and soon my girlfriends will text or ring me on mobile to go to a disco or clubs... I will get drunk well tipsy and sleep all day ha! ha!... If you read this, how about you comment on my blog yea! Write to >...
** Dr. Logic [Sweat Box and Soap] WP 2000 3.1 **