** Dr.Logic [Sweat Box & Soap] WP 2000 3.1 **
Accuracy of predictions...
The report is in response to recommendations made by Professor Steven Schwartz in his independent review of admissions, published last year. He found the current system worked against pupils who were not confident about applying and those who scored higher grades than predicted, who tended to be from lower socio-economic groups. By the time they know their results, places on the most prestigious university courses tend to have been taken. The admissions service Ucas says only about 45% of students' predicted grades prove to be accurate. Most are over-estimates - mostly by teachers of students from higher socio-economic groups...
The report says some 9% of predictions prove to be too low, particularly for students from poorer backgrounds. So Sir Alan suggests everyone might wait for their results, with no places being offered until they are known...