** Dr.Logic [Sweat Box & Soap] WP 2000 3.1 **Election campaigns reach climax ...
The parties are making a last-minute push for votes Campaigning is entering its final stages ahead of Thursday's Scottish, Welsh and English local elections.The polls are the biggest test of public opinion since 2005's general election - and will be Tony Blair's last as Labour leader.All of the parties are out in force on Wednesday, with the contest expected to be particularly fierce between Labour and the SNP in Scotland.Labour is also battling to regain control of the Welsh assembly.Labour's opponents have urged voters to use Thursday's polls to issue a verdict on Tony Blair's 10 years in power...
'Mood' ...
But Blair, who is expected to announce his resignation next week, has urged voters to resist the temptation to give him one final "kicking" at the ballot box.During his final campaign visit to Scotland on Tuesday, Mr Blair warned that the SNP, which has pledged a referendum on independence, would cause "chaos and instability"...
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