** Dr.Logic [Sweat Box & Soap] WP 2000 3.1 **
New Year's Day is the time for celebrations and parties all over the world. As soon as the clock ticks 12'O' Clock on last day of the year, New Year comes packed with all fun and excitement. New Year's Day is an event to celebrate and forget the worries of the old year. It's the time to take new resolutions and look for new inspirations and motivations, to achieve what remained unachieved in the passed year. In fact, setting new goals and making new resolutions are what New Year is all about...
New Year Celebrations vary in form in different parts of the world, as it's significantly influenced by local culture of that particular region. We, at Travour, are here to enlighten you with different types of New Year Celebrations in the World...
Known, as the New Year's Eve, 31st December seems to appear the longest day till the time we enter the New Year with jest and enthusiasm. In fact, New Year Celebrations starts from Christmas only, with everybody geared up for unlimited fun and excitement. Parties, concerts or be it your own home, New Year Celebrations can be enjoyed anywhere, provided that you're in company of your family and friends. All you need is your loved ones around while you enter the New Year...